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Pet Friendly flowers for the home.

Pets are an important part of many people's lives. They provide us with companionship, love, and comfort. However, it's important to remember that not all plants are safe for our furry friends. Some flowers can be toxic and cause harm to our pets if ingested. If you're a pet owner who loves to decorate your home with flowers, there are plenty of options available that are pet-friendly. In this blog, we'll go over some of the best pet-friendly flowers for the home.

  1. African Violet

African Violets are a popular indoor plant that comes in a variety of colors. They are non-toxic to pets and are a great choice for pet owners who want to add a pop of color to their home. African violets prefer bright, indirect sunlight and require regular watering.

  1. Calendula

Calendula is a bright and cheery flower that is safe for pets. It's commonly used in herbal remedies and is known for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Calendula prefers full sun and well-draining soil.

  1. Camellia

Camellias are a beautiful flowering shrub that produces large, colorful blooms. They are non-toxic to pets and can be grown indoors or outdoors. Camellias prefer partial shade and well-draining soil.

  1. Marigold

Marigolds are a popular garden flower that are safe for pets. They come in a variety of colors and are known for their ability to repel pests. Marigolds prefer full sun and well-draining soil.

  1. Spider Plant

Spider plants are a common indoor plant that is safe for pets. They are easy to care for and can thrive in low light conditions. Spider plants are also known for their air-purifying properties and can help improve indoor air quality.

  1. Sunflowers

Sunflowers are a popular garden flower that is safe for pets. They produce large, bright yellow blooms that can add a pop of color to any home. Sunflowers prefer full sun and well-draining soil.

  1. Rose

Roses are a classic flower that is safe for pets. They come in a variety of colors and can be grown indoors or outdoors. Roses prefer full sun and well-draining soil.

  1. Petunia

Petunias are a popular garden flower that is safe for pets. They come in a variety of colors and can be grown in containers or hanging baskets. Petunias prefer full sun and well-draining soil.

  1. Snapdragons

Snapdragons are a popular garden flower that is safe for pets. They come in a variety of colors and produce tall, spiky blooms. Snapdragons prefer full sun and well-draining soil.

  1. Zinnia

Zinnias are a bright and cheery garden flower that is safe for pets. They come in a variety of colors and can be grown in containers or garden beds. Zinnias prefer full sun and well-draining soil.

In conclusion, there are plenty of pet-friendly flowers that can be grown indoors or outdoors. When selecting flowers for your home, it's important to consider the safety of your pets. By choosing pet-friendly flowers, you can add color and beauty to your home without putting your furry friends at risk.

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